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August 31, 2018

Daily Archives


When you firmly decide you want to start a business, you will need money. Unfortunately it isn’t always easy to find start up funds, never mind cash to keep the business going. But there is small business financing and funding available. These five blogs will show you what your options are, how to find the […]

It is a sad fact that many startup business ventures fail quickly. Though there is no single reason why, some experts feel that too often entrepreneurs lack the financial knowledge to analyze cash flow and really understand what is happening with their company. But that doesn’t mean that you need to add getting an accounting […]

When you are going to approach lenders for funding, one of the most important weapons in your arsenal will be your business plan. Writing a strong business plan gives potential investors the information they need is critical for the success of your small business. Once you have composed a well written business plan, tailor it […]

Most people agree that using a credit card to finance your business is a slippery slope that can quickly lead to enormous debt or even bankruptcy. But in these days when SBA loans are difficult to get and banks have backed away from lending to start up companies or small business entrepreneurs, many owners reach […]

Understanding Commercial Factoring   One of the major problems inhibiting the growth and success of new businesses is the lack of adequate financing. In order to stay afloat and continue to expand, there has to be a steady stream of funding to work from, and for a new business, it can be difficult for your cash […]

Business Financing Options   Choosing the right sources for funding your business may mean the difference between success and bankruptcy. Tapping several different sources of capital may take considerable time and effort, but is a viable option for businesses in today’s economy. Check if your community offers Tax Increment Financing. In some states, the subsidies […]

Business Funding Website & Sources   The National Small Business Association reports that less than 60% of small businesses successfully obtain substantial funding. According to the Minority Business Development Agency, minority-owned firms are less likely to receive loans than non-minority-owned, especially when gross receipts are less than $500,000. Traditional loans have restricted their standards, and women […]

Advantages Of Leasing vs. Buying   Every business needs equipment, from an office copier/printer to massive, very expensive pieces for manufacturing. The question of whether to buy your equipment or lease it depends on many factors. Below are some of the main issues to consider before you decide. Whether you buy or lease, there are […]

What Investors Are Looking For You’re ready to ask for the capital you need. For your best chance to get it, keep these five tips in mind before you present your proposal. You’ll impress your investors with professionalism and a solid plan.   Know Your Market. Whether you provide a product or service, you are filling  […]

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