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Bridge Advance

Bridge Advance

Bridge Advance

Bridge loans are basically a lifeline provided to businesses who are in the process of securing a bank term loan. Long term loans and SBA loans may take upto 6months to 1 year or more depending upon your credit score and business. During this period, most businesses tend to fall short on cash flow for expenses and usually end up sacrificing a lot on their business and management. In order to help this through, bridge loans help fill the gap and it helps your business to secure funds in order to operate smoothly, and wait for your SBA or Term loan to process.


Apply now for a bridge loan by filling the form on the right or call us at (844)804-3511

If you have any queries, please contact us

    Apply Now

    Documents required*:

    Business registration details
    Business bank statement of 3 to 6 months

    Approval timeline:

    2 hours to 48 hours.
    Funds sent to borrower’ bank account in Less than 24 hours to 3 days.

    *The information provided is under ideal condition and may change based upon business portfolio and circumstantial needs.