With all the turmoil the economy has experienced lately as well as the crash of the housing market
a few years ago, many banks are not as quick to lend money to small businesses anymore. Still, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a small business owner then here is some information on how to get low-cost affordable loans for small businesses turned down by banks. From the article we read that “Roberto Barragan, chief executive officer of nonprofit lender Valley Economic Development Center, envisions a more affordable future for entrepreneurs seeking credit. On Dec. 9, VEDC launched a $20 million fund to lend to small businesses in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.” This is pretty good news for anyone who has a great idea and wants to go into business for themselves. Here at Prosperum Solutions we also help small and big businesses all over find financing and money loans. Everyone has to start somewhere as this is all part of the American dream. You can read the rest of the article here.

Affordable Loans for Small Businesses Turned Down by Banks
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